Poundbury Doctors Surgery
01305 251128
3 Frederick Treves House, St John Way, Dorchester DT1 2FD
Premises open:
Offering delivery/remote services:
- Some routine services are currently on hold, however, we are still very much here for you via phone or video link. If you have any persistent or potentially serious symptoms, please do not delay in seeking help and if we need to see you, we can arrange to do so.
- To collect medication from the dispensary, please do not come into the building but go to the window and press the doorbell (this will be sign-posted).
- Request an eConsult here: https://poundburydoctors.webgp.com/
Queens Avenue Surgery
01305 262886
14 Queens Avenue, Dorchester DT1 2EW
Premises open:
Offering delivery/remote services:
All appointments initially booked as a telephone consultation. A healthcare professional will call back and will either deal with the request by telephone or arrange attendance at the surgery if necessary. A video consultation may be offered.
Alternatively complete an eConsult by clicking the link here: https://queensavenue.webgp.com/
Fordington Surgery
01305 250515
91–93 High Street, Fordington, Dorchester DT1 1LD
Premises open:
Offering delivery/remote services:
- Currently experiencing problems with phones. Please make contact using the eConsult link here: https://fordingtonsurgery.webgp.com/
- Appointments will be carried out over the phone or through e-consult unless there is a clinical need to come into the practice.
Dorchester Community Kitchen
Storehouse Church, Cambridge Road, Dorchester DT1 2LR
Premises open:
Offering delivery/remote services:
- Email: [email protected]
- No referral necessary. This service is aimed primarily at carers & people in acute need. Please complete a form to sign up for support – which can be found on their website. They will then schedule a delivery to you.
- Information and updates from the group can also be found on Facebook at: https://www.facebook.com/DorchesterCommunityKitchen
Food Share
Liz Meech: 07798 586116
Dorchester Community Church, Liscombe Street, Poundbury, Dorchester DT1 3DF
Premises open:
Offering delivery/remote services:
- Professional referral only – via health visitors, social workers, Citizens Advice and other local organisations. Referrals can be made over the phone to Liz on 01305 267171 or to her mobile.
- Email: [email protected]
- Food will be delivered to recipients
Dorchester Food Bank
Tracy Hughes: 07554 983978
Dorford Centre, Bridport Road, Dorcheseter DT1 1RR
Premises open:
Offering delivery/remote services:
- Professional referral only – via health visitors, social workers, Citizens Advice and other local organisations. If you were a previous voucher holder and have not been contacted by the Foodbank, please let them know.
- Email: [email protected]
- Opening times for the Foodbank are Monday, Wednesday and Friday, 10.30–12.30.
- Food may be collected from the centre by the recipient or on their behalf.
Dorchester Community Support Group
07562 389519
Premises open:
Offering delivery/remote services:
Dorchester Community Support Group volunteers can help you with
- Putting you in contact with useful Dorchester support groups
- Shopping
- Collecting of prescriptions
If you are lonely and would like to speak to someone there are volunteers who can call you for a chat. The Dorchester community is strong and there are lots of support groups and volunteers who would like you to know that you are not dealing with this alone.
How to contact us:
Call 07562 389519
or email us [email protected]
Vinyl Van
07703 388500
8a Pope St Brewery Square, Dorchester DT1 1GW
Premises open:
Offering delivery/remote services:
- Delivering locally
- More than 1200 titles to browse from the comfort of your home and more being added
Piddle Brewery
01305 849336
Enterprise Park, Piddlehinton, Dorchester DT2 7UA
Premises open:
Offering delivery/remote services:
- Delivering in Dorset
Morrish and Banham
01305 261480
1 Pope Street, Brewery Square, Dorcheste DT1 1GW
Premises open:
Offering delivery/remote services:
- Over 300 wines and spirits in stock for safe contactless home delivery, local and national
- Can doorstep deliver any of these for you, order online or call 01305 261480, email [email protected]