01305 251382
Trinity Street, Dorchester DT1 1TU
Premises open:
Offering delivery/remote services:
- Open 9am–6pm every day, except Sundays.
- Priority shopping to NHS Workers for the final hour.
- Online shopping and home delivery available.
01305 257046
Trinity Square, Wadham, Dorchester DT1 1TT
Premises open:
Offering delivery/remote services:
- **The Dorchester Community Support Group has organised a special arrangement for residents to call and make their order after 6pm for up to 20 items. Our volunteers can then collect the following day and pay for the shopping. **
- Reduced opening times from 7am–10pm
- Dedicated shopping hour for vulnerable people, carers, and NHS workers. 8–9am Mon–Sat and 10–11am Sundays.
- Home delivery not currently available