Business listing

Holland & Barrett

01305 251857
54 South Street, Dorchester DT1 1SQ
Premises open:
Offering delivery/remote services:

  • Open 10am–4pm every day
  • First hour of trading is dedicated to elderly and vulnerable customers
  • NHS Workers receive staff discount
  • Can phone to place order and collect

Down To Earth

01305 268325

19 Trinity Street, Dorchester DT1 1TU
Premises open:
Offering delivery/remote services:

  • Refill and health food shop
  • Telephone orders and collection


01305 756571
7A Tudor Arcade, Dorchester, Dorset DT1 1BN
Premises open:
Offering delivery/remote services:

  • Homemade frozen dishes
  • Offering click and collect orders online and over the phone + payment
  • Home delivery available to elderly or vulnerable and NHS

Roberts Foodservice

01305 267275

Premises open:
Offering delivery/remote services:

  • Roberts Food Service: Supplying Fine Food in Dorset for over 30 Years
  • Locally produced, fruit, veg, dairy, meat, and other foods
  • Offering orders over the phone + payment and home delivery

Waitrose, Poundbury

01305 250938
Queen Mother Square, Poundbury, Dorchester DT1 3BW
Premises open:
Offering delivery/remote services:

  • Open 8am–9pm Mon–Sat and 10am–4pm Sundays
  • The first hour after opening is a dedicated shopping hour for elderly and vulnerable people
  • Residents can call and order + pay for up to 60 items over the phone. Waitrose staff can meet residents in their car outside or volunteers can collect. Residents must inform Waitrose of their name and ID must be shown

Waitrose, Dorchester

01305 268420
Tudor Arcade, Acland Rd, Dorchester DT1 1BN
Premises open:
Offering delivery/remote services:

  • Usual shopping. Open 9am–6pm daily and 10am–4pm Sundays
  • Dedicated shopping hour, the first hour each day, for elderly and vulnerable people
  • Offering click and collect
  • Offering vulnerable people priority click and collect and delivery (must register online on the Waitrose website)
  • Offering online gift cards that can be purchased online and sent by email to volunteers/family members –


0345 677 9224
Weymouth Avenue, Dorchester DT1 2RY
Premises open:
Offering delivery/remote services:

  • Open for shopping as usual 8am–10pm Mon-Sat and 10am–4pm Sunday
  • Priority shopping hour 9–10am: Mon, Weds, Fri for vulnerable people and elderly; Tues & Thurs for NHS workers
  • Limit of 80 items per shop and a maximum of 3 items of the same product
  • Home delivery available as normal
  • Priority delivery slots available

Spar, Maud Road

01305 259387
8 Maud Road, Dorchester DT1 2LW
Premises open:
Offering delivery/remote services:

  • Can order over the phone for collection

Sainsbury’s Local

01305 259859
St Martins Place, Bridport Rd, Dorchester DT1 2FB
Premises open:
Offering delivery/remote services:

  • Open daily 7am–9pm
  • NHS ID holders have priority Mon–Sat 07:30–08:00. Elderly customers, carers and disabled customers have priority Monday, Wednesday and Friday 08:00–09:00.
  • Existing online customers have access to home deliveries, with vulnerable people getting the priority
  • Click and collect as usual


0800 977 7766
1 The Grove, Dorchester DT1 1XU
Premises open:
Offering delivery/remote services:

  • Open as usual
  • No delivery