Click Show details to view specific opening information, as some premises are open for click and collect only.
01305 761277
Premises open:
Offering delivery/remote services:
- Phone to place your order
- Delivering to Dorchester residents on weekdays
- Retail Fish van is in Dorchester, outside Halfords/Tesco on Wednesday & Friday, 10am–4pm
Mr Fish
07841 878334
Premises open:
Offering delivery/remote services:
- Scaled, gutted and oven ready sea bass delivered to Dorchester and surrounding villages for £10
From Shore to Door
07740 981765
Premises open:
Offering delivery/remote services:
- Place orders via mobile number. Fish is available for collection in Dorchester or free local delivery, a minimum order value applies to out-of-town-areas. Accepting contactless payment.
- Delivering seabass, pollock and other fish. Approx £10 per bass – whole fish, gutted and scaled, and oven-ready. One fish will feed 2-3 people.
- Follow on the Facebook page for updates about what fish is available.