Click Show details to view specific opening information, as some premises are open for click and collect only.
01305 267936
64 High West Street, Dorchester DT1 1XA
Premises open:
Offering delivery/remote services:
- Branch temporarily closed
0345 734 5345
10 South Street, Dorchester DT1 1BT
Premises open:
Offering delivery/remote services:
- Open Monday–Friday 9.30am–12pm
- Urgent and essential banking only
01305 327908
6 South Street, Dorchester DT1 1AZ
Premises open:
Offering delivery/remote services:
- Open Monday–Friday from 10am–2pm
- Essential banking only
- Committed to helping vulnerable customers and those in financial difficulty
03457 404 404
15 Cornhill, Dorchester DT1 1BJ
Premises open:
Offering delivery/remote services:
- Open Monday–Friday from 10am–2pm
- Essential banking only
- Committed to helping vulnerable customers and those in financial difficulty
- NHS workers get priority when phoning the call centre
0800 554 0467
4 High West Street, Dorchester DT1 1UJ
Premises open:
Offering delivery/remote services:
- Open Tuesday–Friday from 10am–2pm – Only visit if absolutely necessary
03457 888 444
49 South Street, Dorchester DT1 1DW
Premises open:
Offering delivery/remote services:
- Open Monday–Friday from 10am–1pm
- Essential banking only
- Dedicated phone line for NHS Workers
Post Office
Trinity Street, Dorchester DT1 1DH
Premises open:
Offering delivery/remote services:
- Open Monday-Friday from 9.30am–4.30pm and on Saturday 9.30am–12.30pm
- Open for essential everyday banking, as well as posting letters and parcels